
Dobrodošli u ZaJedno, gde svako ``zdravo`` čini razliku!

Mi smo udruženje posvećeno deci, mladim i odraslim osobama sa raznovrsnim psihofizičkim izazovima kao i njihovim porodicama. Naš cilj je jednostavan, osnaživanje pojedinaca, obezbeđivanje što boljih uslova za uključivanje osoba sa invaliditetom u život zajednice i negovanje inkluzivne kulture u društvu.



Osobe sa invaliditetom koje ne mogu da se zaposle u otvorenoj privredi ni pod opštim ni pod posebnim uslovima, imaju potrebu i pravo da se profesionalno ostvare, provode vreme van kuće, druže sa vršnjacima i uključuju u različite tokove društvene zajednice. Uspostavljanjem Radnog centra za izradu dekorativnih sveća i sapuna stvorili smo uslove gde će moći da zadovolje upravo te, osnovne ljudske potrebe.

Naš rad

Everyone can
make a difference


We are a non-profit organization. Our goal is to provide every individual with special needs the support, friendship and inclusion that they deserve.

The term Special Needs is a short form of Special Education Needs and is a way to refer to students with disabilities. The term Special Needs in the education setting comes into play whenever a child’s education program is officially altered from what would normally be provided.

More narrowly, it is a legal term applying in foster care in the United States, derived from the language in the Adoption and Safe Families Act. It is a diagnosis used to classify children as needing “more” services than those children without special needs who are in foster care.

In the United States, special needs is a term used in clinical diagnostic and functional development to describe individuals who require assistance for disabilities that may be medical, or psychological. For instance, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

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Our programs

Make a difference in the life of a
child with a need


We love going to this school because of the programs, scholarships and the great team of instructors. Thank you!”

Sam Jefferson

Sam Jefferson

It was nice to finally find the professional staff that know how to work with our kids and how to handle issues.”

Tim Matthews

Tim Matthews

Here you can find everything about raising a child with special needs, including school and medical programs.”

Cynthia Jones

Cynthia Jones

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Our Staff

Meet our best and executive
management team

Janet Green

Executive Director

Michael Jones


Anna Dowson

Preschool Teacher

Christina Smith

Master Instructor

Contact us

    ADDRESS8500, Lorem Street, Chicago, IL, 55030

    PHONE(123) 456-78-90(123) 456-78-91


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