Next event Calendar: Spring Camp in the Forest 10.12 10:00AM – 3:00PM
Say Hello!
Make a difference in the life of a child with special needs, create an inclusive community and improve yourself!
Types of special needs vary in severity. People with autism, Down syndrome, dyslexia, blindness, ADHD, or cystic fibrosis, for example, may be considered to have special needs. However, special needs can also include cleft lips, or missing limbs.

How We Help
We work individually with each family to
understand their specific needs

Ova aktivnost se odvija na dva načina: uključivanjem dece sa smetnjamau razvoju u igrovne aktivnosti sa vršnjacima (3 puta nedeljno od 17 do 19 časova, obuhvata 20-oro dece sa smetnjama u razvoju predškolskog uzrasta, i isti broj njihovih vršnjaka bez ometenosti) i kroz individualne stimulativne tretmane (termini se dogovaraju sa roditeljima). Aktivnost realizuju 3 stručna saradnika (defektolozi i vaspitač) a…

We strive to improve the lives of our students through education of Academic, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Social Skills.

We strive to improve the lives of our students through education of Academic, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Social Skills.
Our Facilities
Form real friendships within a non-judgmental
Everyone can
make a difference
Education Packages
For children, teens and young adults

Kids Club

Sunday Class

Spring Camp
Our programs
Make a difference in the life of a
child with a need
Radno-okupacione aktivnosti
Radionice se odvijaju jednom nedeljno za 15 korisnika (četvrtkom od 18 do 20 časova), a realizuje ih jedan stručni saradnik i asistent. Aktivnost se finansira sredstvima MRZSP RS preko Saveza udruženja za pomoć MNRO u AP Vojvodini. Cilj 3. Jednom mesečno, grupa posećuje neki od javnih događaja u gradu čime se neguje potreba i navika na kvalitetno provođenje slobodnog vremena…
Porodični program
Porodični program (za mlade i odrasle višestruko ometene osobe i njihove roditelje, braću i sestre) realizuje se subotom od 15 do 17 časova u kontinuitetu od 2000.godine, za 15 porodica. Aktivnost finansira Grad Subotica kroz godišnji konkurs za društveno-humanitarne organizacije. Osim radionica koje se odžavaju u prostorijama udruženja, organizuju se posete sportskim i kulturnim događajima u gradu i okolini. Međuroditeljska…
News & Updates
Stay tuned for updates
Newsletter Stay tuned for Updates
Our Staff
Meet our best and executive
management team
Janet Green
Michael Jones
Anna Dowson
Christina Smith
Contact Info
We are a non-profit organization.
Our goal is to provide help
ADDRESS8500, Lorem Street, Chicago, IL, 55030
PHONE(123) 456-78-90(123) 456-78-90
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